Traditionally, most fund-raising consultants make three or four trips to each congregation as they lead a campaign. Many consulting companies like to do it this way so that they can schedule more churches for each traveling associate. Visits longer than three or four days are not included. It may not always be the best schedule for the local congregation.
Connections Stewardship is now offering an “old school” concept that we are calling “Residential Stewardship.”
This is an option for any church that chooses to work with Connections Stewardship.
Here is how it would work:
Time of preparation – two to six months prior to the public phase of the campaign, your Connections Stewardship partner will work closely with the congregational leaders using zoom, skype, email, phone, text and any other technology that is available. Due to Covid-19, even the smallest churches have learned how to use such technology.
Your Connections Stewardship consultant would make a four to five day on-site visit to the church early in this stage of the campaign to meet key leaders, speak publicly at worship and to establish that “personal connection” that is so important. Throughout these early months, we will help you lay out the campaign plan, guide the leaders as they create a vision, work on the Case Statement, and assist in the recruitment of campaign team members and all of the other tasks that would normally happen in the first, second, and third short visits. The consultant will be available throughout this time of preparation. Teams would begin to function and materials would be created.
The consultant would work closely with council and leaders to carefully develop and prioritize the various projects and ministries that will be supported by the campaign funds. Your Connections Stewardship partner will send short inspirational and instructional video clips to be shown to church and campaign leadership,
or to the entire congregation, according to the need.
Then, at the end of this planning phase, Connections Stewardship will come to the church and remain there for the crucial conclusion of the campaign. The length of time that the consultant would be onsite will vary according to the size of the church and scope of the project – from nine to twenty days. Generally, the visit will include at least two Sundays for smaller churches – more for mid-size and larger congregations. Our senior partner, Pastor John Cross, is a gifted preacher and communicator. This is the “residential” part of the campaign – coming at the very most important time!
Onsite Partnership, Week One. Consultant Activities:
Meet with selected congregational members in small groups
Meet with church staff and campaign leaders
Lead Bible Studies
Personally visit a sampling of members to answer questions
Meet with church leadership
Meet with all campaign teams once or twice
Participate in social gatherings at church
Preach/Speak at worship, offering an “Invitation to Respond”
Onsite Partnership, Week Two. Consultant Activities:
Personally visit people who have the capacity to make larger gifts
Personally ask church leadership to make generous commitments
Ask all campaign leaders for their generous response
Host Campaign Meetings to go over materials and ask for commitments.
Meet with Follow-Up/Thank You Team for training
Final meetings with all Campaign Team Leaders
Preach/Speak at worship inspiring folks to participate
The Follow-up/Thank you process will last throughout the 3-year giving period. Your Connection’s Stewardship partner will be available for video and phone consultations, provide prototypes for newsletter articles, short video clips to share with congregation, and present ideas for the one-year and two-year anniversaries, as well as give suggestions about how to properly conclude the campaign.
Why participate in a “Residential Stewardship’ campaign?
It works best for congregations that would appreciate more of a “hands-on” approach with more personal contact from the consultant. The early organizational phase is mostly ‘how to” and more technical – easily accomplished
utilizing available technology.
With the Residential campaign, the consultant’s time is mostly utilized in one-on-one and small group interaction at the most crucial time of the program – toward the conclusion when most folks are preparing to respond to the campaign. Few consultants are willing to make ALL of the “asks” for the larger gifts - which are so crucial to the financial success of the program. Your Connections Stewardship Partner is willing, well-trained, and well-qualified to make these personal connections and bold “asks” with your largest donors.
When you contact the Connections Stewardship office,
ask John Cross if “Residential Stewardship” is right for your congregation.