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For many decades, congregations have raised significant money by having a professionally-led three-year campaign to raise funds for building projects. With few exceptions, churches were able to raise between one and two times their regular budget amount in “over-and-above” giving during the three-year giving period. Now that there are fewer congregations taking on capital projects in these challenging times, Connections Stewardship believes that almost every congregation would benefit greatly from conducting a Mission Forward Campaign.


The Mission Forward is a hybrid of the tried and true Capital Campaign process. These appeals use the proven system and spiritual blessings of a traditional Capital Campaign:


  • Congregation-wide involvement

  • Three-year giving period

  • High level of personal contact

  • Scripturally-based, bold "ask" for larger gifts

  • Focus on mission

  • Spiritual growth

  • Biblical emphasis

  • Prayer and meditation

  • Professional on-site guidance

  • Emphasis on non-cash giving – stocks, land, crops

  • Growth of your community of faith

  • Enthusiasm and unity from working together 

  • Leadership development

  • Stewardship education

  • And many other positive benefits!


Here is the key: This type of campaign opens up a new revenue stream that congregations do not tap in their year-to-year general fund appeals. Churches that have not utilized this rock-solid approach to stewardship are not reaching their full potential in supporting their vital mission! The Enhancement does exactly that!


Many churches have used the Mission Forward to unite people around an exciting vision. Connections Stewardship will help you create and articulate that vision.  Congregations often have six to ten program ideas, mission outreach possibilities, smaller capital projects, a need to rebuild their “rainy day” fund, “wish-list” items, and/or benevolence efforts that they simply cannot afford to fund through the general budget. Many small churches fall further and further behind each year with budget shortfalls and unexpected expenses that deplete the church’s meager savings - causing church leadership to cut back instead of boldly move forward. Church members grow weary of multiple spaghetti dinners, rummage sales and other “fund-raisers” that are, at best, stop-gap measures.


With the Mission Forward Campaign, all of the needed projects and ministries are bundled together into one compelling case. These appeals are NOT “fund raisers” – which are common for civic organizations. Connections Stewardship has learned that donors will give generously – in response to the Gospel – if they are asked. We have learned that members will support the Mission Forward as they normally would give for a Capital Campaign. It is common for churches to raise, in new money over three years, one to two times their annual budget – or more! While the Mission Forward works in any size of a congregation, it is particularly effective in small to mid-size churches.


Connections Stewardship understands that your congregation may not wish to consider such an important ministry in these very difficult and uncertain times. We are convinced that this is the very best time for churches to be bold. It is the perfect way to help you recover from financial challenges brought on by Covid-19. Your people understand, and they will support the Mission Forward! Check out our “Investments” section and discover that 90% of your campaign costs will be delayed until one month after the active phase of the program concludes. By then, new money will be flowing into your account!


If you think that your congregation might be interested in learning more, give John Cross a call at 503-708-3799, or send him an email: to find out more about this exciting ministry!

Remember: In all Connections Stewardship-led campaigns, we include an emphasis on deferred giving. While many congregations have set up a process to receive gifts of stocks, property, bequests and wills, very few of them have a system in place that offers regular education, seminars, and other means to encourage people to consider the church in their long-term planning. This also includes guidance to establishing an endowment fund. Connections Stewardship has seen that even for congregations who have an endowment fund, much of the time is spent monitoring the investments. What is even more important than monitoring, is offering regular education and ongoing testimonials of the folks who have already given in this way. This is a compelling encouragement to others. Your Endowment needs to be promoted on a regular basis!

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